Front Panel Operation - 5
Set the output voltage
Action Display
1. To enter an approximate value without using the voltage menu: On the Entry keypad,
press " or ! to select the 1's digit in the voltage field. Then rotate the front panel
RPG knob to obtain 7 V.
If the unit is in CC mode, you won't see the output voltage change until the voltage
setting is low enough to cause the unit to go into CV mode.
7.003V 0.004A
The easiest way to enter an accurate value: On the Function keypad, press Voltage.
On the Entry keypad, press Enter Number, 7, Enter.
VOLT 7.000
3. To make minor changes to an existing value: On the Function keypad, press
Voltage. On the Entry keypad, press " or ! to select the digit in the numeric field
that you wish to change. For example, move the flashing digit to the ones column to
change a value in this column. Then, press # to scroll from 7.000 to 8.000. Then
press Enter.
VOLT 8.000
Set the output current limit
Action Display
1. To enter an approximate value without using the current menu: On the Entry keypad,
press " or ! to select the tenths digit in the current field. Rotate the front panel
RPG knob to obtain 0.4A.
If the unit is in CV mode, you will not see the output current change until the current
setting is low enough to cause the unit to go into CC mode.
8.003V 0.400A
The easiest way to enter an accurate value: On the Function keypad, press Current.
On the Entry keypad, press Enter Number, .4, Enter.
CURR 0.400
To make minor changes to an existing value, press Current. The procedure to
change an individual digit is explained in step 3 under "Set the output voltage."
NOTE: To output currents pulses greater than 3 A and up to 5 A peak, you must set the output
current limit to greater than 3 amperes (3.0712 amperes max).
Set the output resistance
Action Display
On the Function keypad, press Shift Res. On the Entry keypad, press Enter
Number, 0.5, Enter.
RES 0.500
To make minor changes to an existing value, press Shift Res. The procedure to
change an individual digit is explained in step 3 under "Set the output voltage."
Set the output compensation
Action Display
On the Function keypad, press Output. Then press ( until you obtain the COMP
command. Use the & key and select one of the four compensation modes. Then
press Enter. Use
HREMOTE or HLOCAL compensation for faster transient
response when testing phones with input capacitances greater than 5 µF, which
applies for most phones. Select local or remote depending on your sensing setup.
If operation of the dc source becomes momentarily unstable when testing phones
that have input capacitances under 5
F, Use either LREMOTE or LLOCAL