
Option Specifications
Option 010 and 011 Tracking Generator
Frequency Range
8591E 100 kHz to 1.8 GHz
(Opt. 011, 75 ) 1 MHz to 1.8 GHz
8593E, 94E, 95E, 96E 9 kHz to 2.9 GHz
Output Level
8591E 0 to –70 dBm
8591E (Opt. 011) +42.8 to –27.2 dBmV
8593E, 94E, 95E, 96E –1 to –66 dBm
Resolution 0.1 dB
Absolute Accuracy
(@ 300 MHz, –20 dBm, +28.8 dBmV)
8591E ±1.0 dB
8593E, 94E, 95E, 96E ±0.75 dB
8591E 10 dB
8593E, 94E, 95E, 96E 9 dB
8591E ±0.75 dB
8593E, 94E, 95E, 96E ±0.5 dB
Output Attenuator
8591E 0 to 60 dB, 10 dB steps
8593E, 94E, 95E, 96E 0 to 56 dB, 8 dB steps
Output Flatness
8591E ±1.75 dB
8593E, 94E, 95E, 96E
(>10 MHz) ±2.0 dB
Effective Source Match (Characteristic)
8591E 1.6:1 (10 dB attenuation)
8593E, 94E, 95E, 96E 1.5:1 (8 dB attenuation)
Spurious Output
Harmonic Spurs
(0 dBm, +42.8 dBmV output) <–25 dBc
8593E, 94E, 95E, 96E
(–1 dBm Output)
Nonharmonic Spurs
8591E <–30 dBc
8593E, 94E, 95E, 96E
300 kHz to 2.0 GHz –27 dBc
2.0 GHz to 2.9 GHz –23 dBc
Dynamic Range (Characteristic)
Dynamic Range
TG Feedthrough
8591E 106 dB –106 dBm
8591E (Opt. 011) 100 dB –57.24 dBmV
8593E (> 400 kHz) 111 dB –112 dBm
8594E (> 400 kHz) 106 dB –107 dBm
(> 5 MHz) 111 dB –112 dBm
8595E (>400 kHz) 109 dB –110 dBm
8596E (> 400 kHz) 109 dB –110 dBm
Power Sweep
8591E (–15 dBm to 0 dBm) –(source
attenuator setting)
8591E (Opt 011) (+27.8 to 42.8 dBmV)–(source
attenuator setting)
8593E, 94E, 95E, 96E (–10 dBm to –1 dBm)–(source
attenuator setting)
Resolution 0.1 dB
Option 103 Quasi-Peak Detector
Amplitude response conforms with Publication 16 of Comité
International Spécial des Perturbations Radioélectriques (CISPR)
Section 1, Clause 2.
Option 105 Time Gated Spectrum Analysis
Gate Delay
Range 1 µs to 65.535 ms
Resolution 1 µs
Accuracy ±(1 µs + 0.01% x Gate Delay Readout)
(From Gate Trigger Input to positive edge of Gate Output)
Gate Length
Range 1 µs to 65.535 ms
Resolution 1 µs
Accuracy ±(0.2 µs + (0.01% x Gate Length
(From positive edge to negative edge of Gate Output)
Additional Gate Amplitude Error
Log Scale <2 µs ±0.8 dB
2 µs ±0.5 dB
General Specifications
Temperature Range
Operating 0°C to +55°C
Storage –40°C to +75°C
EMI Compatibility Conducted and radiated
interference CISPR Pub. 11
and Messempfaenger
Postverfuegung 526/527/79.
Audible Noise <37.5 dBa pressure and <5.0 Bels
power (ISODP7779)
5. Maximum output level minus TG feedthrough.
6. Up to 1 Vs jitter due to 1 µs resolution of gate delay clock.
7. With GATEON enabled and triggered, CW Signal, Peak Detector Mode.