Safety Symbol Definitions
Symbol Description Symbol Description
Direct current Terminal for Line conductor on permanently
installed equipment
Alternating current Caution, risk of electric shock
Both direct and alternating current Caution, hot surface
Three-phase alternating current Caution (refer to accompanying documents)
Earth (ground) terminal In position of a bi-stable push control
Protective earth (ground) terminal
(Intended for connection to external
protective conductor.)
Out position of a bi-stable push control
Frame or chassis terminal On (supply)
Terminal for Neutral conductor on
permanently installed equipment
Off (supply)
Terminal is at earth potential
(Used for measurement and control
circuits designed to be operated with
one terminal at earth potential.)
Standby (supply)
Units with this symbol are not completely
disconnected from ac mains when this switch is
off. To completely disconnect the unit from ac
mains, either disconnect the power cord or have
a qualified electrician install an external switch.
Printing History
The edition and current revision of this manual are indicated below. Reprints of this manual containing minor corrections
and updates may have the same printing date. Revised editions are identified by a new printing date. A revised edition
incorporates all new or corrected material since the previous printing date. Changes to the manual occurring between
revisions are covered by change sheets shipped with the manual. Also, if the serial number prefix of your power supply is
higher than those listed on the title page of this manual, then it may or may not include a change sheet. That is because even
though the higher serial number prefix indicates a design change, the change may not affect the content of the manual.
Edition 1 June, 1991
Edition2 September, 2000
© Copyright 1991, 2000 Agilent Technologies, Inc.
This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document
may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language without the prior consent of Agilent Technologies, Inc.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.