Performing Advanced Functions
• The Command Code specifies the operation that will be
applied to the selected channel. They are described in the
table below:
Table 3. Command Code Definitions for the Analog Command
Code Description Parameters Returns
RSM – Read Sampling Method. This command reads the current
programmed sampling method for all analog input channels.
The current sampling methods and the
result (OK or ERROR). See also the table
that follows.
SSMMI – Set Sampling Method to Minimum. The specified ana-
log channel will be instructed to store the lowest sampled value.
The channel number. Result (OK or ERROR).
SSMMA – Set Sampling Method to Maximum. The specified ana-
log channel will be instructed to store the highest sampled value.
The channel number. Result (OK or ERROR).
SSMS – Set Sampling Method to Sum. The specified analog chan-
nel will be instructed to store the sum of all sampled values.
The channel number. Result (OK or ERROR).
SSMAA – Set Sampling Method to Arithmetic Average. The speci-
fied analog channel will be instructed to store the arithmetic
average of all sampled values.
The channel number. Result (OK or ERROR).
SSMCA – Set Sampling Method to Circular Average. The specified
analog channel will be instructed to store the circular average of
all sampled values.
The channel number. Result (OK or ERROR).
SSMF – Set Sampling Method to First. Only the first sampled
value will be stored in each slot.
The channel number. Result (OK or ERROR).
SSML – Set Sampling Method to Last. Only the last sampled
value will be stored in each slot.
The channel number. Result (OK or ERROR).
RNS – Read Notification Status
. If no notification was pending,
this command should return an error. If one was pending, the
notification is cleared.
The channel number.
Returns the time when the threshold
was reached (in standard time format)
and the result (OK or ERROR).
RPNNER – Read the Pending Notifications and the Notification
Enable Register. This command returns the 16-bit Pending Notifi-
cations and the Notification Enable Registers; the Port Number
has no significance for this command.
Two 16-bit integers (first the PN and
then the NE register) and the result (OK
or ERROR).
1010 DAN – Disable Any Notification. The channel number. Result (OK or ERROR).
1011 RNTTL – Read Notification Type and Thresholds/Limits. The channel number.
One 8-bit char (Notification Type), two
16-bit integers (first the lower limit and
then the higher limit) and the result (OK
or ERROR). If only a threshold was set,
then the second 16-bit integer is irrele-