Chapter 3: Provisioning September 25, 2006
3-12 LTPE-UM-3159-02
Configure SNMP Community Strings
The community string parameters are required to read and write SNMP objects.
In the SNMP Parameters menu (Figure 3-6 on page 3-11), configure the Read-only and Read-Write Community
String parameters in accordance with Table 3-6.
Configure SNMP Trap Receivers
The SNMP Parameters menu allows you to configure up to three SNMP trap receivers (management stations) to
which all EMU-830 trap messages will be sent.
To configure an SNMP trap receiver:
Configure System Identification
Three options are provided at the bottom of the SNMP Parameters menu to identify each system and the system
contact. These options are System Location, System Name, and System Contact (see Table 3-6).
The System Location is the physical location of the system (such as, Building 1, Corporate Office, Main Street, etc.).
System Name is the name you assign to the system (such as, Net 3, CircuitMon, Shelfwatch, etc.). System Contact
is the name, title and/or phone number of the person to contact at the system location.
To configure system identification:
Table 3-6. SNMP Parameters Menu
Step Action
1 In the SNMP Parameters menu (Figure 3-6 on page 3-11), enter the Trap 1 IP Address (see Table 3-6).
2 Enter the Trap 1 Community String.
3 Toggle the Trap 1 Validation field to Valid.
4 Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each trap receiver to be configured.
Step Action
1 In the SNMP Parameters menu (Figure 3-6 on page 3-11), enter the System Location (32 characters
2 In the System Name field, enter a name for the system (32 characters maximum).
3 In the System Contact field, enter the name, title, and/or phone number of the person to contact at the
system location (32 characters maximum).
4 Press ENTER to confirm settings and return to the top of the Config menu.
Option Function
Read-only Community
Enter a community string. SNMP uses the
community string for set and get requests. To read
an SNMP object, the community string settings on
both ends of the system must match.
Read-write Community
Enter a community string. SNMP uses the
community string for set and get requests. To write
an SNMP object, the community string settings on
both ends of the system must match.
Trap 1 IP Address Enter the IP address to which the trap is sent.
is the default setting.