5/08 • 102721AE
RF Signal Management
www.adc.com • +1-952-938-8080 • 1-800-366-3891
The ADC SignalOn
RF Switch Module (RFSM) is designed for use with the
SignalOn 8-position, or 20-position powered chassis. All RF connections to the
switch are made through standard 75 W BNC, or F connectors on the rear of the
module. All operating controls and indicators are located on the front panel with
configuration controls located on the rear of the module.
The primary function of the module is to monitor the RF signal gain of the operating
primary “A“ input, and switch to the backup “B“ input if the gain of the primary
path rises, or falls below the pre-set customer selected threshold. Should the “A“
input side go above, or fall below the threshold of the unit, the RFSM will rapidly
switch the input from the failed input to the secondary input. This switch usually
is less that 10 milliseconds. Switch status, failure LEDS, and RF level bar graphs are
mounted on the front panel of the switch module. Switching threshold: +/- 3 dB or
+/- 6 dB, and alarm contact closures are located on the rear of module.
Dual RF Switch
Actives: RF Switch Modules
Continuous monitoring of primary and secondary •
Detects both high and low power failures•
User-selectable switching threshold: •
+/- 3 dB or +/- 6 dB
Fail-over switching time < 10 ms•
Automatic switchback after "A" path is restored•
Front-panel LED status and dual power •
level displays
Alarm contact for remote failure monitoring•
Available in BNC and F-connector configurations•
Single or dual modules•
Easily configured for redundancy or A-B •
switch applications
Front panel bar graph display provides indication •
of RF power and switching threshold
Indication of switch status provided by front •
panel LED and rear terminal block contacts
Easily configured switching threshold levels via •
rear DIP switch
One-step calibration•
Auto switch-back feature to primary input•
Built-in delay to prevent from false switching•
Automatic or manual modes of operation•
NEBS Level 3 compliant•
Ordering Information
Description Catalog Number
Redundant RF Switch Modules
BNC connector Single circuit N-MRFSM1-B
Dual circuit N-MRFSM2-B
F connector Single circuit N-MRFSM1-F
Dual circuit N-MRFSM2-F