Setting Up the WAN
48 MM701G User Manual
If you are operating in Router mode and in a LAN environment, then you also need to set your
LAN protocol, Ethernet Port IP address, and subnet mask.
If you prefer, you may use the default values of for the Ethernet Port IP Address, and for the subnet mask.
1 From the
Main Menu, select LAN Setup. The LAN setup screen displays.
2 Select
LAN Protocol by typing 1 from the LAN Setup menu.
3 Do one of the following from the LAN Mode menu:
• Select
Router by typing 1.
• Select Bridge by typing 2. You must configure an IP address for the LAN port to use a
Browser or Telnet to manage the MM701G.
4 Select IP Address and IP Net Mask by typing 2 and 3 (respectively), then enter the values
supplied by your LAN administrator or use the default values.
5 Select Default Gateway by typing 4 from LAN Setup menu, then enter the Default Gateway IP
address supplied by your access provider.
6 Select
Apply by typing 10 to activate your settings. Apply immediately activates the changes
that you have made for this session.
7 From the Main Menu select Save New System Configuration to save these settings.
1. LAN Protocol Bridge
2. IP address
3. IP Net Mask
4. Default Gateway
5. DHCP None
6. DHCP Range Low Address N/A
7. DHCP Range High Address N/A
8. DHCP Gateway Address N/A
10. Apply
Select Parameter to edit (Return to exit) ->