Chapter 4: Configuring the WAN April 14, 2006
4-2 MM70xG2-UM-03
You can configure up to 32 total PPPoA, PPPoE, 1483-Bridge, and 1483-Router sessions for the modem. See page
25 for the maximum number of sessions per each protocol type that can be set up. A default bridging session is set
up. From the WAN configuration page (Figure 4-1), define the parameters for each session.
Step Action
1 Select WAN on the menu bar to access the WAN Configuration page.
Figure 4-1. WAN Configuration Page
2 To add a new session, choose one of the following protocols from Select a new session type.
• RFC 1483 bridged if the modem forwards packets based on MAC addresses. You can enable Span-
ning Tree when you select Bridge sessions. See “Change Spanning Tree Setting” on page 5-10.
• RFC 1483 routed if the modem routes packets based on IP addresses.
• PPPoA routed if the modem establishes PPP sessions over ATM with the service provider and routes
packets based on IP addresses.
• PPPoE routed if modem establishes PPP sessions over Ethernet with the service provider and routes
packets based on IP addresses.
3 Click Configure to access the session page for the protocol type you selected.
4 Go to the appropriate section that follows for the protocol that you selected.
F4 and F5 OAM are enabled on default PVCs (0/35 and 0/100) and on every new PVC that is created.