Setting Up the WAN
46 MM701F User Manual
2 Select a session by typing the session number at the Select session for editing prompt to
display the
WAN Session Options screen.
3 Type
1 to select the Session Name then type a session name.
4 Type
10 to select the VPI parameters then enter the values supplied by your service
5 Type 11 to select the VCI parameters then enter the values supplied by your service
6 If you are operating in Router mode, you also need to enter the WAN IP address and the
associated WAN IP subnet mask. Both of these values are provided by your service
7 Type
18 to immediately activate the changes that you have made for this session.
8 Select
Save New System configuration from the Main Menu as described in “Saving the
Current Configuration” on page 60 or the changes will be lost upon reboot or power cycle.
1. Session Name Bridge 10. VPI 0
2. WAN Protocol RFC1483 Bridge 11. VCI 35
3. State Enabled 12. QOS UBR
4. IP Addressing N/A 13. QOS Peak Cell Rate
5. IP Address N/A 14. Encapsulation LLC
6. IP Net Mask N/A 15. Login Name N/A
7. NAT N/A 16. Login Password N/A
8. RIP Send N/A 17. Authentication N/A
9. RIP Accept N/A 18. Apply
Select parameter to edit (Return to exit) ->