LTPH-UM-1261-01 ix
This manual provides essential information about the HiGain
Management Shelf (HMS-318 List 3) along with step-
by-step instructions on how to install the shelf into a Central Office (CO) or telco-style equipment rack.
This manual is written for people who install and plan the installation of ADC products in a Central Office
environment. If you are an installer, technician, or a local craft person, this manual contains information you can use
to install the HMS-318 List 3 shelf. It also provides information that can help you plan and make decisions about
your installation.
This manual is also appropriate for managers and planners who are thinking about installing HMS-318 List 3 shelves
into a CO or telco-style equipment rack, as well as people who are interested in the HMS-318 List 3 shelf in general.
This manual is written with the assumption that you are familiar with ADC equipment shelves or equivalent hardware
and cabling, electronic circuitry, and wiring practices.
Listed below are related ADC publications and their document catalog numbers. These documents provide
supplementary information for the HMS-318 List 3 Shelf User Manual. Copies of these manuals are available online
at ADC’s web site at www.adc.com/documentationlibrary/
or you can order copies of these documents by contacting
your sales representative.
This manual includes the following chapters:
Note: The list of related publications is not all-inclusive. It is only a representative sampling of the instruction
manuals that are available. Depending on your particular product model and List number, refer to that
instruction manual for proper installation and provisioning information.
Catalog Number Title
350-319-105 HLU-319 List 5 Quick Installation Guide
LTPH-UM-1182 H2TU-C-319 List 7 User Manual
LTPH-QI-1032 H4TU-C-319 List 1 Quick Installation Guide
LTPH-UM-1142 HMU-319 L7AV32 and L9V32 User Manual
SCP-LPS300-010 LoopStar LPS-300C L1 Power Module Technical Practice
Chapter Description
Chapter 1: Product Description Summarizes the HMS-318 List 3 configuration, including details
on power and alarm connections, connecting to HDSL, HDSL2,
HDSL4 and xDSL circuits, and remote management via RS-232
and Ethernet interfaces.
Chapter 2: Installation Provides installation instructions for mounting the shelf,
connecting DSX/HDSL/xDSL connections, grounding the shelf ,
and installing the HMU-319, HLU-319, H2TU-C-319,
H4TU-C-319, and LPS-300C power module, as necessary.