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Spec Sheet
URH Host Unit Configuration Examples
URH Remote Unit Configuration Examples
Ordering Information
Description Catalog Number
Host unit, one DART, 800 cell FWU-20000000HU
Host unit, one 800 SMR and one 900 SMR DART FWU-45000000HU
Host unit, one DART, 1900 PCS FWU-80000000HU
Host unit, one DART, 2100 AWS FWU-A0000000HU
Host unit, one 800 cell, one 1900 PCS DART FWU-28000000HU
Host unit, one 800 cell, one 1900 PCS, one AWS DART FWU-28A00000HU
Host unit, one 800 SMR, one 900 SMR, one 1900 PCS, one 2.5 WiMAX DART FWU-458W0000HU
Host unit, one 800 SMR, one 900 SMR, one 1900 PCS DART FWU-45800000HU
Ordering Information
Description Catalog Number
800 cell A, 6.5W, single band, N/D, putty white, remote unit FWU-2210000000111RU
1900 PCS, 20W, single band, diversity, putty white, remote unit FWU-8420000000111RU
800/900 ESMR 6.5W N/D, 1900 PCS 20W N/D, putty white, remote unit FWU-D218410000111RU
Three 1900 PCS, 20W, N/D, putty white, remote unit FWU-8418418410111RU
2100 AWS, 20W, single band, N/D, putty white, remote unit FWU-A410000000111RU
800/900 ESMR 6.5W N/D, 1900 PCS 20W N/D, 2.5 WiMAX 10W MIMO, putty
white, remote unit