Configure and View Status
22 Megabit Modem CRA-C User Manual
Table 6 shows the ASCII terminal key functions used to navigate the menus
and to select settings.
Table 6.
Keyboard Functions
Key Function
Restores the
arameter to the last saved settin
. A
lies to
parameters where you type a value but not to parameters you toggle.
Goes to Main Menu.
Performs a log out from the Main Menu.
Returns to the next higher-level menu.
Refreshes the current screen.
Toggles between ATU-C and ATU-R menus.
Status Menus and Reports
Clears the current values.
Selects the next page.
Selects the previous page.
Restores previous setting by undoing the last action.
When configuring Megabit Modem CRA-C parameters:
Toggle among predefined optional settings (for example, select
STARTUP OPTION in the ADSL Configuration Menu and then
toggle through the choices) as follows:
Type the number of the option.
Press the spacebar to select the new setting, then press
Type required information (for example, to change system time, type
in the hour, minute, and second as hh:mm:ss) as follows:
Type the number of the option. The screen prompts you to type
specific information.
Type the information, following the instructions on the screen,
then press