© Adam Equipment Company 2013
External Calibration
1) Press and hold the [Air/Liquid] and [Density] keys at the same time and
power on the balance.
2) Release both keys when the display shows unload.
3) Remove any weight from the pan assembly and press the [Tare] key when the
stable sign is shown.
4) The display will show an acceptable mass that can be used to calibrate the
unit. You can change this value by pressing the [Air/Liquid] key to match the
calibration mass you may have.
5) The calibration masses that can be used are as follows:
Model # HCB J123 HCB J302 HCB J1002 HCB J2002
Weight 1 50g 100g 500g 500g
Weight 2 70g 200g 700g 1000g
Weight 3 100g 300g 1000g 2000g
6) Once the calibration weight has been selected press the [Tare] key
7) The display shows LoAd. Place your weight on the pan. Press the [Tare] key
after the stable sign is shown.
8) The display will show PASS if the calibration is successful.
9) Remove the weight and the display will show zero.
NOTE: If the calibration fails try doing the calibration again. The calibration must
agree with the factory calibration within ±5%.
The balance will show FAl
lL H (when the weight is higher) or FAl
lL L (when the weight
is lower). Repeat the process using the correct calibration weight.