Weather Select
Weather Select displays data including wind chill, dew point, heat index, as well as
24 hour change, and high/low records for outdoor/indoor temperatures, humidity
and wind speed. To change the “Weather Select” category shown, press the
“SELECT” button on the front of the display. When outdoor/indoor temperature or
humidity is chosen, the display cycles through the category’s records in this order:
24 Hour Change
(amount the data has changed since 24 hours ago)
Today’s HIGH
Today’s LOW
Month’s HIGH
Month’s LOW
All Time HIGH
All Time LOW
When Wind Speed is chosen, the display cycles through the following records:
Today’s HIGH
Month’s HIGH
All Time HIGH
To clear a record, view one of the values listed above and press the “CLEAR
RECORD/RESET” button, located on the back of the unit in the battery compartment.
Dashes display to confirm the record has been cleared.
REPLAY Historical Data
This weather station stores historical data that can be viewed in Replay Mode. Data
is recorded for the past 48 hours in 30 minute intervals (on the hour and half hour).
Historical data is shown with a time and date stamp.
Press the “REPLAY” button to enter Replay Mode. The REPLAY icon and options will be
shown on the display below the time.
• Press the “SET” ( ) button to view 48-hour historical data. First, data is shown
that was recorded 48 hours ago, and then the display cycles through the historical
data in 30 minute intervals up to the current time. To exit Replay Mode and view
live data, press the “REPLAY” button
• Press the “-” ( ) button to view historical data in 30 minute intervals previous to
the current “LIVE” data.
• While viewing historical data, press the “+” ( ) button to advance the data shown
by a 30 minute interval.
You will automatically exit Replay Mode if no buttons are pressed for 10 seconds. To
manually exit Replay Mode at any time, press the “REPLAY” button. The display may
show or flash the “LIVE” icon to confirm you are exiting Replay Mode and returning
to the current (“LIVE”) data view.