The “Weather Select” area of the display features heat index, dew
point, wind chill calculations, as well as indoor temperature and
humidity. Rainfall rate (inches per hour) can also be viewed in the
weather select area. To change the “Weather Select” category,
press the selection arrow button just to the left of the weather select
display area.
The display console features a “SENSOR” signal reception icon to the
left of the clock display area. If there are a low number of “bars”
present, you may experience no temperature display ( “--” ) or
inaccuracy. Occasionally, due to intermittent physical obstructions (such
as vehicle traffic, etc.) or other environmental interference, the signal
may be lost. If the sensor batteries are low the signal will be lost as well.
After a signal loss- the display console will automatically begin to search
for the wireless multi-sensor and attempt to re-acquire the wireless signal.
In the event that the signal is lost completely and cannot be re-acquired,
the weather ticker will display “SENSOR SIGNAL LOST- CHECK BATTERIES
AND PLACEMENT”. See “troubleshooting” for more information.
1. Press the “ ” button to adjust the unit preference
2. Press the up or down buttons to select either “STAND” for standard
or “METRIC” for metric units.
3. Press the “ ” button to confirm your desired selection
4. You will now see “WIND MPH”, press the up or down buttons to
select either MPH, KPH, or KNOTS for wind speed unit of
5. Press the “ ” button again to confirm your desired selection
and exit “SET UNITS?” menu.
Setting Unit preferences
Basic Functions
The Professional Wireless Weather Center comes pre-set from the
factory in standard units ( mph, ºF, etc.). You may wish to change to
metric units ( kph, ºC, etc.).
To change the units, you need to first select “SET UNITS?” in the
center display area by pressing the up or down buttons.
The Professional Wireless Weather Center was designed to give you
the most often used information at a glance. The following is an
overview of basic functions for everyday use.
press the selection arrow to
change the weather select display
= Heat Index
= Dew Point
= Wind Chill
= Indoor Conditions
= Rainfall Rate (in./hr)