Placement for Maximum Accuracy
AcuRite sensors are sensitive to surrounding environmental conditions. Proper placement
of both the display unit and the sensor are critical to the accuracy and performance of
this product.
Display Unit Placement
Place the display unit in a dry area free of dirt and dust. To ensure
accurate temperature measurement, place out of direct sunlight and
away from heat sources or vents. Display unit stands upright for
tabletop use or is wall-mountable
Important Placement Guidelines
Display unit and sensor must be within 330 feet (100 m) of each other.
Place units away from large metallic items, thick walls, metal surfaces, or other objects
that may limit wireless communication.
Place both units at least 3 feet (.9 m) away from electronic devices (TV, computer,
microwave, radio, etc.).
Multi-Variable History Chart
The multi-variable history chart lets you monitor the change in conditions over the
past 12 hour time period (-12, -6, -3, -2, -1, 0). The chart automatically toggles
between barometric pressure, outdoor temperature and outdoor humidity readings.
Wind Speed
The Wind Speed area of the display features the CURRENT speed, as well as the
LOW, AVERAGE and PEAK wind speeds. PEAK, AVERAGE and LOW wind speeds
are based on the past 30 minute time frame by default. The time frame can be
adjusted during the calibration process (page 15).
Barometric Pressure
Subtle variations in barometric pressure greatly impact the weather. This weather
center displays the current pressure with an arrow icon to indicate the direction the
pressure is trending (FALLING, STEADY, or RISING). The multi-variable history chart
lets you monitor the change in pressure over time.
Weather Select
Weather Select displays data including wind chill, dew point, heat index, as well as
24 hour change, and high/low records for outdoor/indoor temperatures, humidity
and wind speed. To change the “Weather Select” category shown, press the
“SELECT” button on the front of the display. When outdoor/indoor temperature or
humidity is chosen, the display cycles through the category’s records in this order:
24 Hour Change
(amount the data has changed since 24 hours ago)
Today’s HIGH
Today’s LOW
Month’s HIGH
Month’s LOW
All Time HIGH
All Time LOW
When Wind Speed is chosen, the display cycles through the following records:
Today’s HIGH
Month’s HIGH
All Time HIGH
To clear a record, view one of the values listed above and press the “CLEAR
RECORD/RESET” button, located on the back of the unit in the battery compartment.
Dashes display to confirm the record has been cleared.