1. Day of the Week
2. Current Outdoor Temperature
Arrow icon indicates direction
temperature is trending.
3. Outdoor High Temperature Record
Indicates highest outdoor temperature
recorded since midnight.
4. Outdoor Low Temperature Record
Indicates lowest outdoor temperature
recorded since midnight.
5. Current Outdoor Humidity
Arrow icon indicates direction
humidity is trending.
6. Outdoor High Humidity Record
Indicates highest outdoor humidity
recorded since midnight.
7. Outdoor Low Humidity Record
Indicates lowest outdoor humidity
recorded since midnight.
8. Outdoor Sensor Signal Strength
9. Low Sensor Battery Indicator
10. Geographic Region Selection
for setup preferences.
11. Forecasted High Temperature
12. Forecasted Low Temperature
13. Up to 4 Hour Weather Forecast
Precision Forecasting combines
regional trends with data from your
outdoor sensor to generate your
personal forecast.
14. 4 to 8 Hour Weather Forecast
15. 8 to 12 Hour Weather Forecast
16. SET Icon
Flashes to indicate setup mode.
17. Barometric Pressure
Arrow icon indicates direction
pressure is trending.
18. Indoor High Humidity Record
Indicates highest indoor humidity
recorded since midnight.
19. Indoor Low Humidity Record
Indicates lowest indoor humidity
recorded since midnight.
20. Current Indoor Humidity
Arrow icon indicates direction
humidity is trending.
21. Multi-Variable History Chart
Displays the past 12 hours of data
for pressure, outdoor temperature or
outdoor humidity.
22. Indoor High Temperature Record
Indicates highest indoor temperature
recorded since midnight.
23. Indoor Low Temperature Record
Indicates lowest indoor temperature
recorded since midnight.
24. Current Indoor Temperature
Arrow icon indicates direction
temperature is trending.
25. Date
26. SET Icon
Flashes to indicate setup mode.
27. Display Unit Low Battery Indicator
28. Intelli-Time
29. Auto-Cycle Mode Indicator
30. Time Zone & Daylight Saving Time
for setup preferences.