
CALC LOAD (0 - 100%)
Calulated LOAD Value indicates load on engine.
CAT TEMPxy (-40°C - 6513.5°C) or (-40 - 9999.9F)
Catalyst Temperature Bank shall display catalyst substrate temperature for bank catalyst, if used
by control module strategy for on board diagnostics monitoring, bank, sensor catalyst or tempera-
ture sensor.
CLR DST (0km-65,535km) or (0- 40,722miles)
Distance Since Cleared Diagnostic Codes is distance since diagnostic trouble codes were
CLR TIM (0 - 65535 min or 1092.25 hours)
Time Since Cleared Diagnostic Code is time since diagnostic trouble codes were erased.
CMD EQ RATxy (0 - 1.99)
Commanded Equivalence Ratio is the ratio of the air/fuel mixture.
NOTE: The CMD EQ RAT will read 1.0 while in a closed loop of fuel
COOLANT (-40 - 215°C)or(°F)
Engine Coolant Temperature displays engine coolant temperaturefrom engine coolant temperature
or cylinder head temperature sensor.
NOTE: The coolant on many diesels may use Engine Oil Temperature instead.
EGR CMD (0 - 100%)
Commanded Exhaust Gas Recirculation is the percentage of exhaust gas being recirculated.
EGR ERR (-100 - 99.22%)
Exhaust Gas Recirculation Error will show the error from changing from one condition to another.
ENG RUN (0 - 65,535sec.)
Time since Engine Strart is the time the engine is running.
NOTE: ENG RUN stops when engine stalls or engine is turned off for any
ENGINE (0 - 16383.75 RPM)
Engine Revolutions Per Minute is the speed engine is running.
O2 Sensor Equivalence Ratio is Bank x Sensor
EVAP REQ (0-100%)
Commanded Evaporative Purge is the positon evaporative purge control valve is open in
EVAP VP (-8192PA - 8191PA) OR (-32.8878 - 32.8838 H
Evaporative Emissions System Vapor Pressure is pressure in the fuel tank
FUEL LVL (0 - 100%)
Fuel Level Input is the percentage of fuel with 0% equaling tank is full and 100% when tank is empty.
FUEL PRES (0 - 765kPa) or (0 - 110psi)
Fuel Rail Pressure is the fuel pressure at the engine when reading in reference to atmosphere
Fuel System Status show loop status of fuel system banks. States the fuel system can be running in:
1. OPEN: Module is operating in Open Loop control strategy. The vehicle has not yet satisfied
conditions for Module to go to closed loop.
2. CLSD:PCM currently functioning in Closed loop control strategy, using O2 sensor(s) as
feedback for fuel control
3. OPEN1:Open Loop control strategy is being used by the PCM due to driving conditions.
Driving conditions that may cause this to happen are power enrichment and deceleration