
FPC 8084 Users Manual
Video Off Option
When enabled, this feature allows the VGA adapter to operate in a power
saving mode.
Always On
Monitor will remain on during power saving modes.
Suspend --> Off
Monitor blanked when the system enters the Su spend
Susp,Stby --> Off
Monitor blan ked when the system enters either
Suspend or Standby modes.
All Modes --> Off
Monitor blan ked wh en the s ystem enters any power
saving mode.
Video Off Method
This determines the manner in which the monitor is blanked.
This causes the system to turn off the ver t ical and horizontals
ync hronizat ion ports and write blanks to the vid eo buffer.
Select this option if your monitor sup ports the Display P ow er
Management S ignaling (DPMS) standard of the VideoElectr
onics Standards to select video power management values.
Blank Screen
This option only writes blanks to the video buffer.
Video Off Method
In suspending, this item is to select the CRT closed method under APM
The choice: Blank Screen, V/H SYNC+Blan k, DPMS
APM 1.2 function used only.
The choice: NA, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11
Soft-off by PWRBTN
This only works with the system using an ATX power supply. It also
allows user to define the type of soft power OFF sequence for the system to
Delay 4 Sec.
This option follows the conventional manner systems perform when p
ower is turned OFF. Instant-Off is a soft po w er OFF sequencerequ
iring only the switch ing of the power supply button to OFF.
Upon turning OFF syst em from the power switch, this optio n willdelay
the complete system power OFF sequence by ap p rox imatel y 4seco
nds. Withi n this delay period, system w ill tem porarily enter intoSus
pend Mode en abling you to restart the system at once.
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