
Example Import/Export Files
Sample Comma Separated Values (.CSV) File
The following is content of a Comma Seperated Values (.CSV) file that can be used to import Sample definitions. Each line is a
new Sample definition. The data in each line is ordered. Two consecutive delimiters with nothing between them indicate a blank
field. The following list associates the position of Sample descriptor fields with their values as specified in the first definition.
1. Sample ID à Sample01,
2. Sample Type à Processed(allowable values are described in the Configuring Fields section of this manual,
3. Description à Beef,
4. Product à Franks,
5. Brand à Brand X,
6. Lot Number à 20110408-A,
7. Line à 5,
8. Customer à Customer X.
Sample01,Processed,Beef,Franks,Brand X,20110408-A,5,Customer X
Sample02,Environmental,Grinder A,,,,6,Customer Y
Run Setup Comma Separated Values (.CSV) File
The following is content of a Comma Separated Values (.CSV) file that can be used to import Sample, Run and Kit Lot
definitions. The data is ordered. Two consecutive delimiters with nothing between them indicate a blank field. The following
list associates the position of Run, Sample and Kit Lot descriptor fields with their values as specified in the first definition.
1. Run ID à 04062001(2),
2. Well ID à A1,
3. Assay Type à SAL (allowable values are described in the Importing a New Run section of this manual ),
4. Well Type à Sample (allowable values are described in the Importing a New Run section of this manual),
5. Well Comment à <blank>,
6. Retest à FALSE,
7. Retest Run ID à <blank>,
8. Retest Well ID à <blank>,
9. Kit Lot Number à KitLot_SAL,
10. Expiration Date (Kit Lot) à 2012-12-31,
11. Sample ID à Sample01,
12. Sample Type à Processed(allowable values are described in the Configuring Fields section of this manual,
13. Description à Beef,
14. Product à Franks,
15. Brand à Brand X,
16. Lot Number à 20110408-A,
17. Line à 5,
18. Customer à Customer X.
04062011(2),A1,SAL,Sample,,False,,,KitLot_SAL,2012-12-31,Sample01,Processed,Beef ,Franks,Brand X,
20110408-A,5,Customer X
04062011(2),A2,MC,,,False,,,KitLot_MC,2012-12-31,Sample01,Processed,Beef ,Franks,Brand X,20110408-A,5,Customer X