Caring for your dryer
Remove sharp objects from clothing
Never leave wet or damp laundry in
before drying - pins, buckles, etc.
your dryer.
Wipe off all spills with a damp, soff
cloth.Spills allowed to remain may
dull or damage the finish.
Sharp or heavy objects should
never be put on or in the dryer.
Check pockets for bolts, nuts, etc.
Non-colorfast items can stain the
drum. Wipe carefully affer drying to
make sure there is no dye to be
transferred to items in the next load.
Some pretreatment products can
damage dials, console and finish. Do
not use these products on or near
your dryer.
Vacation care
Unplug power cord or
turn off electrical power.
For gas dryers, close
gas valve.
Clean lint screen.