4. If you have a problem* . . .
Call cur COOL-LINE service assis-
tance telephone number [see Step 2)
and talk with one of our Consultants, or if
you prefer, write to:
Mr. Guy Turner, Vice President
Whrrlpcal Corporation
Administrative Center
2000 US-33 North
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
*If you must call cr write, please provrde:
model number, serial number, date of
purchase, and a complete description of
the problem. This information is needed
in crder to better respond to your request
for assistance.
The Window Exhaust Kit [Part No
be used m mob//e homes Have an
LCK 3000) is a convenient way to
eye-level dryer with floor space under
exhaust your dryer through a window it for the washer.
to the outside.
An Exhaust Deflector (Part No
LCK4000) moves dryer exhaust to a
side. up or down
The dryer can be mounted on a wall
with the Dryer Wall Mount Kit [Part
No. LCK 2001). The wo//
must be strong
enough to support the weight not to
The dryer can be mounted on a stand
at eye-level with the Stack Rack Kit
(Part No LCK 1100). A compact washer
can be permanently Installed and
operated under the dryer.
Another Stack Rack Kit (Part No LCK
1000) is available for washers that
will only be stored under the dryer
FSP IS a regIstered trademark
of WhIrlpool Corporaflon for
quality parts Look for this
symbol of quallty whenever
you need a replacement part
for your WhIrlpool appliance
FSP replacement parts
WIII fit right and work right.. because they are
made to the same exacting speclflcatlons
used to build every new WhIrlpool appllonce
Benlon Harbor. Michigan. Automalic Washers, Clothes Dryers.
Freezers, Refrigerator-Freezers. Ice Makers. Dishwashers.
Built-in Ovens and Surlace Units. Ranges. Microwave Ovens,
Compactors. Room Air Condilroners. Oehumidiliers. Central
Heating and Air Conditioning Systems.
Part No. 690727 Rev D
Prlnted In US A.