If you need service :
If your WHIRLPO s-
1r,clsclr:ce ever
needs service anr’~,. %re I’> the Unitea
S?ates, help IS just c chone call away
tc your nearest Wh r’pco~ frorIchrsed
TECH-CARE serv!c t: representative
Whirlpool marnto~r~s 0 not onwlae
network of fronchrst?d TECH CARE ser-
vrce companies to fdlfrlr q:~u’ tiarranty
and provrde after~~.Yorra~t\/ service ona
marntenance to keep your WHIRLPOOL
oppiiance ir, peak conart~or~
You II find Your nearest TECH-CARE
service company listed II vcur IOCOI
telephone book Yellow Pages tinder
Should you not find
a listing, dial free, the Whirlpool
COOL-LINE’ service assistance tele-
phone number.
When calling from.
Michigan (800) 632-2243
Alaska &
(800) 253-l 121
All other
states (800) 253-l 301
If you move...
To make sure fnat your
appliance IS correctly ,nstalled and tc,
Insure Its continued xItrsfuctorY
operatror. please telephore vour
nearest TECH-CARE service company
for instollatron or to get the name of a
qualifred installer. [lr stallatior’ cost wrll,
of course, be paid bY you 1
Helpful hints...You
capI nelp volj’
7: Ch CA:JF service representa?lve glye
, ;u ‘aster sertJlce If ‘you lr8clude th’e
II :yle ana <erIcI number of Your
‘3pcilor8ce ‘,uhIerI requesting service
;I5; letair :our sales slrp and wl,,arrarIt i
t< ‘verify ‘your A#arranty status
TECH CARE seril?e
reorese*Itotrve is specrollv tror7ed rr the
edpert repalrir g and servrcing of i/our
WY1riiP00L applarces He car help
y:x mantan the quality orrginal’y bulit
,rto ,/our WHIRLPOOL applrance So wi-~
mt +aKe the time, now, to look uo h,s
teleptnone number arx Jot it do’\ur
sc‘xe prctirded on +he cover
3. If you have a problem :
‘XIII WhIrlpool Corporotron in Yenton
harbor at the COOL-LINE service
assistance telephone number (see Step
2) 3r wte
Mr Suv TurrIer, Vice Presider>+
WhIrlpool Corporation
‘\dmir:istrative Center
2000 U S 33 North
senton Harbor, Mrchrgac 49022
If You must call or write, please
provide your name, address,
telephone number, type of applrance
brand, model, serral number, date of
purcnase, the dealer’s name, and a
complete description of the problem
This InformatIon
needed in order to
better respond to ‘your request for