Will the Personal Valet
clothes vitalizer clean (dry-clean) my clothes?
It will not remove spots and stains, however our studies have found that the majority of clothes that go to the dry cleaners do not have visible spots and
stains on them. The clothes vitalizer will help you conveniently get your clothes ready to wear by cleaning odors, smoothing wrinkles, and giving your
clothes a neat, clean look and feel.
Will it remove wrinkles from my clothes as well as ironing or dry cleaning?
If you are good at ironing – that will probably remove wrinkles better than virtually any other option. Many consumers acknowledge that they are not
skilled at ironing – some will even admit that they manage to iron wrinkles into their clothes.
Thus, if you simply do not like to iron, the clothes vitalizer provides a smooth finish on a wide range of clothes without the hassle of ironing. It will NOT
give a pressed finish or look.
Will the clothes vitalizer put creases in items such as my dress slacks?
The clothes vitalizer will not create a crease where there is none, but it may help reinforce an existing crease. Likewise, the clothes vitalizer will not
remove a permanent crease such as one you would find in a pleated skirt.
On which types of clothes does the clothes vitalizer perform best? On which clothes will it not perform so well?
Items that are generally harder to iron – such as white cotton dress shirts and linens – may not come out as well as silk and wool items.
You can place special clothes – including leather, suede, and beaded fabrics – in the clothes vitalizer. Simply use the Wool cycle and PRESIVA* Soft
finish formula.
Will the clothes vitalizer remove pet hair or lint?
Some things (such as pet hair and lint) may fall off during the course of a cycle, but the appliance is not designed specifically to remove those items.
Instead, it takes the rumpled, wrinkled items hanging in your closet or coming out of your dryer – and gives them a neat, clean look and feel; it makes
them ready to wear.
How difficult is it to get clothes ready for a cycle?
Generally, it takes only a couple of minutes to load the clothes vitalizer, and the preparation steps are simple and easy to remember.
How many clothes can I place inside the clothes vitalizer?
The clothes vitalizer will hold one to three items. You will get the best performance if you load two articles of clothing. This will give the formula more
space to circulate between the clothes. If you place three garments inside the cabinet, you will get better results with “thinner” items, such as polo shirts
or blouses.
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