Maintenance and cleaning
Cleaning your generator
• Do not use detergent or descaling products for cleaning the soleplate
• Never hold the iron or the base unit under the tap.
• Regularly clean the soleplate with a damp,
nnoonn--mmeettaalllliicc wwaasshhiinngg uupp ppaadd..
• Clean the plastic parts of the appliance occasionally with a soft cloth.
Cleaning tip: For
easier, non-corrosive
cleaning of your iron’s
soleplate, use a damp
sponge on the
soleplate while it is
still warm.
Descaling your generator easily:
For longer generator life, and to avoid scale emissions, your generator
is equipped with a built-in anti-scale valve. This valve, located in the tank, auto-
matically removes the scale that forms inside.
• An orange “anti-scale” light located on the control panel starts blinking to tell you
that the anti-scale valve needs rinsing - fig.13
CCaauuttiioonn:: tthhiiss ooppeerraattiioonn mmuusstt nnoott bbee ppeerrffoorrmmeedd uunnttiill tthhee ggeenneerraattoorr hhaass bbeeeenn
uunnpplluuggggeedd ffoorr aatt lleeaasstt ttwwoo hhoouurrss aanndd hhaass ccoommpplleetteellyy ccoooolleedd ddoowwnn..
WWhheenn ppeerrffoorrmmiinngg tthhiiss ooppeerraattiioonn,, tthhee ggeenneerraattoorr sshhoouulldd bbee ppllaacceedd nneeaarr aa ssiinnkk aass
wwaatteerr mmaayy ffllooww oouutt ooff tthhee ttaannkk wwhheenn iitt iiss ooppeenneedd..
• Once the generator has cooled down completely, remove the anti-scale
valve cap - fig.16
• Unscrew the anti-scale valve and remove it from the housing; it contains the scale
that has built up in the tank - fig.17 and fig.18.
• To clean the valve properly, just rinse it under running water to remove
the scale it contains - fig.19.
• Put the valve back into its housing and screw it in completely to keep
it watertight - fig.20.
• Put the cap back on.
TThhee nneexxtt ttiimmee yyoouu uussee yyoouurr iirroonn,, pprreessss tthhee ““rreesseett”” bbuuttttoonn oonn tthhee ccoonnttrrooll ppaanneell ttoo
ttuurrnn ooffff tthhee oorraannggee ““aannttii--ssccaallee”” lliigghhtt..
Do not use any descaling
substances (vinegar,
industrial descaling
products, etc.) when
rinsing anti-scale valve :
they could damage it.
Before descaling and
cleaning your generator,
you must let it cool down
for at least 2 hours to
avoid any risk of burns.
“Auto off” System
• For your safety, the generator is equipped with an “auto off” system which
switches the generator to standby mode if it is not used for 8 minutes or if you
forget to turn it off.
• A red light blinks on the control panel to indicate that the appliance is in
standby mode - fig.15.
• To reactivate the generator:
- Press the “Restart” button.
- Wait for the light on the “steam ready” button to stop blinking before your start
ironing again.
• If the steam trigger is not pressed for at least 8 minutes, the “auto off” system
will cut off your generator for your safety.
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