Samsung DV457EVGSGRAA Clothes Dryer User Manual

46_ Drying a load of laundry
Drying a load of laundry
Your Samsung dryer is equipped with a Vent Sensor, which detects and notifi es you when it is time to clean
the ductwork. Keep your dryer safe and e cient by cleaning the ducts when prompted.
The Vent Sensor detects any duct blockages
You can fi gure out whether there is a duct blockage from the message below the process bar.
Level Message Status Solution
0 No message The ductwork is free from
1 Check for vent
blockage after cycle
When a part of the duct
or the lint fi lter is blocked
by lint or a foreign object.
When the resistance is
high because the duct is
too long or bent.
Check the duct
connection, shorten the
duct, or straighten it if
Check the lint fi lter or
the duct and clean it if
2 Vent is blocked.
Do not continue without
checking vent.
When the duct is blocked
by lint or a foreign object.
When the resistance is
very high because the
duct is too long or bent
Check the duct
connection, shorten the
duct, or straighten it if
Check the lint fi lter or the
duct and clean it as soon
as possible.
In the LEVEL 2 state, this message is displayed for 3 hours after the completion of the cycle. (If
the wrinkle prevention function is activated, this message is displayed for up to 3 hours.)
If the power button is pressed or the door is opened, the power is immediately turned o .
For more information about the duct installation, please refer to the “Ducting requirements
section on page 14.
Although the dryer is available even if the blockage message is displayed, the drying time
may be extended.
If the LEVEL 1 message is displayed the fi rst time the dryer is run after installation, check
the connection and clean the duct. If the LEVEL 1 message appears even after you have
checked and cleaned the ducts, this may indicate that there are some restrictions of the
duct due to the length, condition, etc.. If this occurs, you can use the dryer normally and
no countermeasures need to be taken. However, the drying time may be extended or
the drying performance may be degraded
DV457E(G)-02836E-03_EN.indd Sec3:46DV457E(G)-02836E-03_EN.indd Sec3:46 2012-12-04  6:44:472012-12-04  6:44:47