Continuous Run Mode:
1. PressWrinklePrevent+DryLevelfor7secduringPowerOnState(NormalUserMode).
2. OnceinContinuousRunMode,display“CC”for1secandthenumberofCyclefor1secand
the remaining time for 1 sec in turns.
3. ThepreviouscyclewillrestartduringContinuousRunModeuntilthemodeisdeactivated.
4. DuringContinuousRunMode,pressWrinklePrevent+DryLevelfor7secondstoreturnto
normal user mode.
Service Mode
Denition of Service Mode
- Dryer must be on before Service Mode can be entered.
- UponentryintoServiceMode,theSensorBarTouchDatawillbeshown(DefaultService
How to Enter:
- To enter Service Mode, press Wrinkle Prevent and Temp Keys for 3 seconds, until it sends out a
beeping sound.
- If pressing Wrinkle Prevent + Temp Keys for 3 seconds in Service mode , it will return Normal
- Even though entering Service mode, the operating cycle will not be inuenced.
Sensor Bar Touch Data Mode
Denition of Sensor Bar Touch Data Mode:
- This action will put the dryer into sensor bar touch data mode
- Dryer will display Sensor Bar data. This mode is default mode of entering service mode
How to Enter:
- WithPowerOnpressingWrinklePreventandTempKeysfor3seconds
Cycle Count Mode
Denition of Cycle Count Mode:
- ThismodeistobringupthetotalnumberofcyclesthatUserhavecarriedout.
How to Enter:
- To enter cycle count mode press the Wrinkle Prevent in Service Mode.
Software Version Mode
Denition of Software Version Mode:
- It is to retrieve its software version
How to Enter:
- At Service Mode, press Temp until it sends out a beeping sound
- If press Temp key In Software Version Mode, it will return Service Mode.
To avoid risk of electrical shock, personal injury or death; disconnect power to dryer before
servicing, unless testing requires power.