System Maintenance
6.2.2 Maintenance Inspection Checklist
Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Make photocopies of this form for your records
Date:____________________________________ Prepared By:____________________________________
Model #:_________________________________ Serial Number:__________________________________
Regular inspections are necessary to ensure that the cooling fins are clean. Should inspection
reveal dirt or corrosion, appropriate cleaning should be performed.
Monthly Semiannually
___ 1. Coil surfaces free of debris
___ 2. Fans free of debris
___ 3. Fan motors securely mounted
___ 4. Motor bearings in good
___ 5. Check all refrigerant lines and
capillaries for vibration
isolation. Support as
___ 6. No refrigerant leaks.
Condenser Electrical Panel
___ 1. On TCDV models, check TVSS
protection status indicator
___ 1. Complete all monthly items
___ 2. Piping in good condition
___ 3. Inspect refrigerant lines for signs of oil
leaks. Repair leaks as found.
___ 4. Check refrigerant charge level in each
receiver tank (if equipped), based on
procedures in the indoor unit’s manual.
Continuous system operation required.
___ 5. Wash coil as needed
___ 6. Repair bent or damaged fins.
Condenser Electric Panel
___ 1. Check all electrical connections
___ 2. Check contactors for pitting
___ 3. Operational sequence/setpoints
Fan Motors
___ 1. Motor #1 amp draw __________ amps
___ 2. Motor #2 amp draw __________ amps
___ 3. Motor #3 amp draw __________ amps
___ 4. Motor #4 amp draw __________ amps
___ 5. Motor #5 amp draw __________ amps
___ 6. Motor #6 amp draw __________ amps
___ 7. Motor #7 amp draw __________ amps
___ 8. Motor #8 amp draw __________ amps