B_,i Large items such as sheets tn load
New Items
Contact with wet, non-colorfast items in
wash load
:i_Gre_S_ S_ic _ Fabiic softenei being poured directi'y'on "
wash gad
usingother aundrya dsw thfabric
;::i':i softener
Improper use of dryer-added fabric softener
i_,:i'.::::_!_:_::_ sheets
Stained dryer drum
....Excesswaterinwas ioad
Hard water
Line dry!rig
improper use of bleach
Zippers, fasteners, and sharp objects
Previously existing holes, tears, and
weakened seams
Fabric abrasion
Static cling
Blocked air flow
Paper or tissues
Blocked air flow
ii_ii_ii_i:i)i!ii_i!i::iiiii!!!;!i ii ,mproper insta,,a lion
Stop dryer and rearrangg_e.eload during cycle
Wash items separately to remove excess dye
Remove items from wash tub immediately after
cycle ends
Dilute liquid fabric soften'er before add'ing to'f'i'nal
rinse or dispenser
Use fabric softener alone in final rinse
Place dryer sheet on top of load at beginning of
Do not tu.mble soi!ed !terns !n dryer
Use an extra spin, especially if load was
Use detergent, not soap
Use dryer whenever possible .............................
Do not pour liquid chlorine bleach directly on wash
load use correct amount of bleach; use only on
ch orine bleach-safe fabr cs
Close zippers, fasten buckles, snaps, hooks; clean
Mend items before laundering
Turn synthetics and blends inside.out
Use fabric softener in washer or dryer;
don't over dry
Clean lint screen
. Ch___eckpockets
Clean tint screen befo're'"0r after EACH load; check
exhaust duct and vent hood for blockage
Exhaust dryer outdoors; incorrect duct system; see
"Installation Instructions" ........................................
Use short, gentle agitation
EXCessa 't t'on.....
Fabric abrasion Turn items inside-out; use fabric softener in
final rinse
Metal fasteners which may rust when wet
Water supply containing iron
Knii garments which become stretched '
during construction and return to their
original size after laundering
I,m_[oper load!rig of washer
improper cycle selection
;_ No-iron finishes of varying quality .............. Selec permanent press items with qua!ity fini,§hes ._
Remove wet items from washer and dryer when
cycle ends
Do not use chlorine bleach flush hot water pipes
by running water at faucet unt it is clear;
.............ha.ye wat.e.r supply che0ked ..........................
Select quality garments; dry knits flat if care label
suggests that method
_ Use lower water temperature andlor heat tevet_.L___
. use fabric softener in washer or d.ryer ......................
Do not wrap !!ems around agitator
Select Perm't Press or KntttDelfcate cycle
Improper water temperature
Laundry products not used correctly
Use hot water for white and colorfast permanent
press items
Add detergent booster or bleach; do not use
chlorine bleach on spandex or washable silks and
wools; treat with color remover