Auto Temp Control •
ATC (Auto Temp Control) electronically senses and maintains a
uniform water temperature. ATC regulates incoming hot and cold •
water. The ATC is automatically turned On when a cycle is
selected. (See "Preset Cycle Settings" in "Cycles.")
• ATC ensures consistent cleaning. •
ATC works for the wash temperature with Hot/Cold, Warm/
Warm, Warm/Cold, and Cold/Cold settings.
The Cold rinse temperatures depend on the cold water at
your faucet.
The Warm rinse setting regulates the water temperature at
approximately 104°F (40°C).
Refer to this chart for suggested load types and their corresponding cycles. Listed to the right are the options available within each of
these washer cycles.
Whitest Whites Heavily soiled white fabrics I/ I/ I/
Heavy Duty Normally soiled underwear, towels, shirts, etc., made I_ I_ I_
of cotton
Normal/Casual Lightly to normally soiled blouses, shirts, overalls, I_ I_ I_
etc., made of polyester, nylon, cotton, linen, or
cotton blends
Delicate Curtains and delicate clothing, dresses, skirts, shirts I/ I/
and blouses
Ultra Hand Wash Fabrics made of silk, special-care items marked as I/
Preparing clothes for washing
Follow these recommendations to help you prolong the life of
your garments.
• Close zippers, snaps, and hooks to avoid snagging other
items. Remove pins, buckles, and other hard objects to avoid
scratching the washer interior. Remove non-washable trim
and ornaments.
• Empty pockets and turn them inside-out.
• Turn down cuffs; brush away lint and dirt.
• Turn synthetic knits inside-out to avoid pilling.
• Tie strings and sashes so they will not tangle.
• Mend tears, loose hems, and seams.
• Treat spots and stains.
• Stained or wet garments should be washed promptly for best
• Separate heavily soiled items from lightly soiled ones, even if
they would normally be washed together. Separate lint-givers
(towels, chenille) from lint-takers (corduroy, synthetics,
permanent press). When possible, turn lint-givers inside-out.
• Separate dark colors from light colors, colorfast items from
non-colorfast items.
• Sort by fabric and construction (sturdy cottons, knits, delicate
• Remove clothes from washer after the cycle is completed.
Metal objects such as zippers, snaps, and buckles may rust if
left in the washer basket for a long period of time.
Loading suggestions (maximum size loads).
Heavy Work Clothes
4 jeans 2 sweatpants
4 workpants 2 sweatshirts
4 workshirts
10 bath towels
10 hand towels
14 washcloths
Mixed Load
3 sheets (1 king, 2 twin) 9 T-shirts
4 pillowcases 9 shorts
3 shirts 10 handkerchiefs
3 blouses