J Unknown Stains j
• Treat stains promptly. For unknown stains, follow these steps in sequence untilthe stain is
• Identify the stain, if possible.
1. Soak the stain in cold water for at least 20 minutes.
• Avoid using hot water on unidentified stains, as it might set the
stain. 2. Work a liquid laundry detergent into the stain area and allow to
stand for 30 minutes, then rinse.
• Never iron a stain as this will set it. Before you use any stain
remover, be sure it will not harm the fabric, finish, or color. The 3. Launder in hottest water safe for fabric using ample amount of
watertemperature, typeofstain remover, orbleach, andeventhe laundry detergent. Use a chlorine bleach on white or colorfast
methods, may vary depending upon the fabric or color, cottons. Nylons, acrylics, polyesters, rayons or other fabrics use
an oxygen bleach and warmwater. Set washerfor 10 minutes and
• Atways test stain remover on an inconspicuous area (a seam allow the washertogo through acomplete cycle. Soak silkor wool
allowance, hem, or facing) to be sure it will not harm the fabric, articles in warm water and agitate very briefly, if at all.
• Place stained area face down on paper towels and apply stain 4. Soak overnight using a laundry presoak product, following
remover to underside of stain. This will force the stain off the manufacturer's directions.
surface and notthrough the fabric. Replace towels frequently to
prevent stain transfer. 5. Sponge the stained area thoroughly with dry cleaning fluid.
Repeat, if necessary. Rinse thoroughly by hand and launder.
• Somestainsaredifficulttoremove. It maybenecessaryto repeat
a procedureseveral times before a stain is removed.
• To avoidpersonal inury,observealt precautionsgiven on:t_e use prewash sprays with caution as they can remove markings from
prod_l_ fabets of stare remOVersthat ere fl_r_rh_e, _gweo_ dials and buttons on washers and dryers, paint from walls and
_0isonous vaporS,;orthat arepoisoho_if _owed, ' cabinets, andsoftenfingernail polish. When youarewearing fingernail
polish, be sure it doesn't rub off on the items you are pretreating.
[tthese Excessively soiled articles, such as men's work clothes, diapers, or
children's play clothes, need to be prewashed in warm water and
items in the dryer.' detergent to help loosen soil. Follow with a REGULAR WASH to
which detergent has been added.
Soaking helpsloosen soil. Soak inwarmor cold water with anenzyme
presoakor laundry detergent. Letlaundry productdissolve thoroughly
before adding clothes.
To prevent transfer of dye, soak white fabrics separately from colored
ones. Soaking items for at least 30 minutes is recommended but
sometimes itis necessarytosoakfabricsforseveral hours (particularly
those stains that have been in the fabric a long time).
You can soak clothes easily and conveniently using the ULTRA
WASH/SOAK TO WASH cycle on your washer. Be sure to follow
soakingwith a washing cycle using the fullamount of detergent. (See
Cycle Descriptions on page 6.)