Hotpoint 473 Clothes Dryer User Manual

Service TelephoneNumbers.
GEAnswer Center_ /ntheU.S.:800.626.2000
The GE Answer Center ®is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week_
in Canada, contact: Manager, Consumer Relations, Carnco Inc., 1Factory Lane, Suite 3t 0,
Moncton, N.B., EtC 9M3.
Expert GE repair service is only a phone call away.
InCanada,call 1-800-361-340&
GE offers, flee of charge, a brochure to assist in planning a batTier-free kitchen for persons
with limited mobility. In theU,S.,eaIISOO-TDD-GEAC(800-833-4322).
In Canada,contact: Manager, Consumer Relations, Camco Inc.., 1Factory Lane, Suite 310,
Moncton, N.B. E1C 9M3.
Purchase a GE service contract while your w-ax_nty is sdUin effect and you'll receive a
substantial discount- GE Consumer Service _1 still be there after your warranty expires,
In Canada,call 1-800461-3636.
PartsandAccessoriest. theU,S,:800-626-2002
Individuals qualified to service their own appliances can have parts or accessories sent directly
to their homes (VISA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted)°
Ins_actionscontainedin thismanualcoverprocedurestobeperformedbyany user.Otherservicing
Pleaseconsultyouryellow pagesforyourlocal Camconumber.
If'you are not satisfied with the service you receive from GE:
First,contact the people who serviced your appliance.
Next. ffyou are still not pleased, in theU.S.,write all the details--induding your phone number-to:
Manager, Consumer Relations, GE Appliances, Appliance Park, Lo_e, KY 40225; or,
in Canada, to Director, Consumer Relations, Camco Inc., 1FactoryIane, Suite 310, Moncton, N,B,
E1C 9M3,
76 Printed in the United States