Status Indicator Lights
TheCycle Indicator Lights show what stage the washer isin.When the Selectorknob is set to a new cycle, the Indicator
Lightswill flash momentarily, showing what stages the cycle will go through. Onmodels without an AUTOSOAKoption,
the SOAKlight will not light up.
r_ wash Cycle-Cycle Selector Knob
Thewash cycle controls the length and intensity of the washing process.The knob can be turned in either direction.
Turningthe CycleSelectorknob after starting a cycle will stop the washer and reset the cycle to the new selection.
PressSTARTtobegin the new cycle selection.
Thechart below will help you match the wash cycle setting with your clothing.Thechart isranked from longest to
shortest cycle time and wash intensity. (Cyclesvary by model.)
Forremoving surface dirt from heavily soiledclothes. Hake sureto follow with a
regular wash cycle.
CASUALS Forwrinkle-free and permanent press items,and knits.
COTTONS Forheavy to lightly soiledcottons, household linens,work and play clothes.
EASYCARE Forwrinkle-free and permanent pressitems, and knits.
DELICATESFor lingerieand special-care fabrics with light to normal soil.
HANDWASH Foritems labeled handwashable with light soils.Providesperiodsof agitation and soak
during wash and rinse.
SPEEDWASH For lightly soileditems that are needed in a hurry.
DRAIN& SPIN Fordraining the tub and spinning water out of the clothes.
AUTOSOAK Forvery soiledclothes. Beginswith a brief agitation, soaksfor a specifiedperiod of time,
then movesthrough the rest of the cycle automatically.
PressSTARTtobegin the cycle. PressingSTARTagain or raisingthe lid will PAUSEthe cycle and the Cycleindicator light
will blink.
Tocontinue the cycle, pressSTARTagain or close the lid.If machine ispaused more than 24 hours,the cgcle will be
cancelled.Tostop the cycle, hold the button for ] seconds.If water remains in the machine,selectthe DRAIN& SPIN
ORSPINONLVcycleto drain tub and spinwater out ofthe washer tub.
Raisingthe lidwill stop agitation or spin action, but does not pause the cycle.