Safety Information............ 3
Operating Instructions
ControlPanelsandTheirSettings ...4-11
Features......................... 12
LoadingandUsingtheWasher..... 13.14
Troubleshooting 77ps
BeforeYouCallForService........ 15-17
ServiceTelephoneNumbers.......... I8
Warranty........................ 20
YouAm Now Partof theGEFami/y.
Welcome to d_e (;E family. We're proud of our qualib_ pro&_ds and we are
committed to provkfing depen(_d)le se_'ice. You'll see il in this easy-to-use ()wner's
Manual and you'll hear it in tl,e fiiendly voices of our cusu)mer service deparunenI.
Best of all, you'll experien(e Rinse values eat h time you use your washer That's
importanL because your new w;Lsherx_41lbe pmt ofyore ti_mily tbr many years And
we hope you x_4llbe pan of oms fi)r a long dine u) come.
We fllankyou fi)r buying GE. We appreciate your purchase, and hope you xdll
(ontinue U)rely on us whenever you need quali b, appliant esfor your home.
A ServicePartnership.
Staple sales slip or cancelled check here.
Proof of the original purchase date is needed to obtain secvice
under the winrarity.
Write themode/and serial numbershere:
You (an find them in the upper fight corner on the back of
y()ur w_tsher.
Inside you will find many helpfifl hints on how to use and maintain
your washer properly.Just a little preventive care on your part can
save you a great deal of time and money over the lid of your washer.
You'll find many answers to common problems in the Before You
CarlFor Service section. If you review our chart of Troubleshooting Tips
first, you may not need to call fi)r sec_4ce at all.
If you do need secvice, you can rekLx knowing help is only a phone
(all away. A list of toll4iee (ustomer ser_4( e numbers is induded in
the ba(k se(tion. Or tall 1_()1)-361-34110.