As general rule, if clothes are
sorted properly for the washer, they
are sorted properly for the dryer.
Sofl by color Separate lint producers from
(Separate colorfast from
lint collectom
non-colorfast fabrics*)
● Lint producers: terry cloth and
● Whites chenille
● Ligh~
. Lint collectors: velveteen and
c Darks corduroy
Separate by fabric type Sort by weight
c Cottons and linens
c Heavy Items
● Permanent press cottons
● Light Items
and blends
Non-colorfastfatics maybleedorfade, Sort@
individual color.
● Synthetic and poly knifi
● Delicates
● Avoid drying very small loads.
● Do not dry the following items:
● Sort clothes by weight so you
● Fiberglass items
won’t have to run an extra cycle
● Woolens
for one or two heavier, slower
● Rubber coated items
d@ng items.
● Plastics
● Do not add fabric softener sheets
● Items with plastic trim
once the load has become warm.
● Foam-filled items
This may cause fabric softener
● Do not overload. This causes
inefficient operation and
unnecessary wrinkling. Clothes
need to tumble freely.