Beforeyoucall forservice...
Possible Causes What ToDo
Lint or residue on Incorrect sorting • Separ_tte lint producers from lint collectors.
Washing too long • Wash small loads ti)x ,t shorter lime thin11,u'ger loads.
Detergent not dissolving • Add detergent as wash b:tsket tills with water, beti)re you
load (htthes.
• Tly _tliquid detergent.
• Use XN_ll'lUel" XA'_l[el" [elllpel'?l[Ul'e.
Overloading • I,oad clothes no higher than the top row of holes in the
w:tsher rob.
• Make sure load size selector mat(hes (htthes load size.
Incorrect use of fabric • Check thbric sotiener p,tckage ti)r instructions :rod ti)llow
softener directions fitr using dispenser.
Colored spots Incorrect use of fabric • Check thbric sotiener p,tcl_tge titr instructions and follow
softener directions ti)r using dispenser.
• l'retreat st;tin mid rewash.
Dye transfer • Sort whites or lighdy colored items tiom dark colors.
Wrinkling Improper sorting • Avoid mixing hea',y items (like work clothes) with light
items (like bh)uses).
• TIt" a lid)tic softener.
Overloading or • I_oad your w;tsher so ('htthes h,tve enough room to move
incorrect water level fieely.
Incorrect wash and • Match Cycle selection to the type of fhl)ri(" you ,tre washing
dry cycles (especially fi)r e_tsy (are loads).
Repeated washing in • Wash in w_u'm or ('old water with plenty of detergent.
water that is too hot
Too many suds Type of detergent • Switch to :l lower sudsing detexgent br,tnd mad tbllow
instructions on p_l(l_tge.
Very soft water • TIt- less detergent.
Snags, holes, tears, rips Pins, snaps, hooks, sharp • F;tsten sn,tps, hooks, buttons, mad zippers.
or excessive wear buttons, belt buckles, • Remove loose items like pins, objects in pockets mid sharp
zippers, and sharp objects buttons.
left in pockets
• Turn knits (which sn;tg easily) inside out.
Undiluted chlorine bleach • Check ble:lch package instructions titr proper amount.
• Never add undiluted bleach to w:tsh or ;tllow (lothes to
come in contact xdth undiluted 1)lea(h.
• Rinse items th;tt may h_lve chemicals on them befiwe
Chemicals like hair bleach
or dye, permanent wave