Dear Service Agent:
Welcome to the world of Equator! We are pleased to appoint you as an Equator
Authorized Service Agent. Equator is an appliance manufacturer that produces Advanced
Appliances. Our products are unique, innovative appliances that are high-end, beautifully
designed and well engineered. We have attached information for your review. Please do
not hesitate to call us for assistance in resolving any problems you encounter. Our goal has
been to always take care of the customer. We look forward to your participation in this
1. To provide service calls for customers in your area as they become available, both in
and out of warranty.
2. To provide literature and manuals in a timely manner.
3. To ship the parts within 24 Hours by UPS Ground freight.
4. To pay for all approved service bills within 30-days of receipt.
1. To get approval from Equator prior to contacting customer for setting up
2. First visit to customer must be made within 48 hours.
3. To diagnose the problem and place the order for spare parts (Tel: 888-483-9627).
4. To carry out repairs in a professional manner and in the fastest possible time after
receiving parts.
5. To invoice Equator for the service call within 30 days of the final repair at the rate
agreed to. (Fax: 985-229-3327)
6. To provide a 90-day labor warranty on all the work performed.
7. To invoice customer at fair market rates for out-of-warranty Service calls.
To be courteous to the Equator customer and to ensure the machine works prior to
departing from the customer’s house.
Service Department
We agree with the goals and will carry out our responsibilities.
_______________________________ ___________________
Authorized Servicer’s Signature Date
Print Name:____________________________________________
Company Name:________________________________________
City:________________________ State:______ Zip:___________
Phone:________________________ Fax:_____________________
Service Rate:____________________________________________
Equator Corporation • Equator Plaza • 2801 W. Sam Houston Pkwy N. • Houston, Texas 77043-1611
Phone: (800) 776-3538 • Parts: (888) 483-9627 • Fax: (713) 464-2151
www.equatorappli ances.com • E-mail: service@equatorappliances.com