User-friendly controls for
a perfect result
Electrolux ironers ensure every step of the ironing process is made
simple for you.
Electronic control
The electronic controls with their large
display panel, intuitively guide the operator
step by step, displaying all necessary
information for the machine’s adjustments
and use. What’s more, an indicator light
informs the operator if retained humidity in
the linen after ironing exceeds 8%.
This ensures optimum dryness and hygiene,
in compliance with RABC* quality controls.
The control panels can also be networked
via CMIS** - to track/record every step in
the drying and ironing process.
*RABC: Risk Analysis and
Bio-Contamination Control
** CMIS:
Certus Management Information System™
Electronic control panel
Electro-mechanical control panel
Electro-mechanical control
The electro-mechanical control is easy
to read and simple to set. Both the ironing
temperature and speed can be adjusted at
any point. Now with our frequency
controlled technology, the ironing speed
can be adjusted indefi nitely
7electrolux ironers