Amana Home Laundry Automatic Washer Washer User Manual

Washing Special Items . . .
Always Follow Manufacturer’s Care Label Instructions
Bedding Warm wash and warm rinse, if available.
Pretreat heavily soiled areas before washing.
When washing an electric blanket, protect the plug by stitching the edge of the
blanket over the plug. Only dryer dry if manufacturer says it can be done.
Diapers Rinse out diapers immediately in cold water and soak in a diaper pail with a small
amount of detergent or enzyme presoak. Soak before washing.
Limit wash load to two dozen diapers.
Recommend an all-purpose detergent.
Draperies, Curtains,
Slip Covers
Shake to remove dust. Remove hooks and close zippers.
Sun-damaged draperies and curtains will not withstand washing.
Use warm water.
Wash curtains frequently. They can be weakened from soil, fumes, dust, and the sun.
Fiberglass curtains need gentle care. Read care label to see if washable. Some
fiberglass curtains should be hand washed.
(Feather and Down)
Do not wash pillows unless they can be dryer dried. They may mildew if not dried
Wash two pillows at a time or add towels for balance.
Use warm wash and cold rinse.
Rugs Shake before washing. Do not use hot water on rubber-backed rugs.
Wash two or three rugs to balance the washer.
Slips and Nightgowns Wash often using all-purpose detergent, warm or hot water and cold rinse on the
To keep nylons and polyesters white, wash only with whites and use chlorine bleach
Use fabric softener in the rinse to remove static electricity.