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Direct Spark Ignition Burner Assembly
Illus. No. Part No. Qty. Description
1 143226 1 1/2” Brass Street Elbow
2 141317 1 1/2” Bronze Union Elbow
3 128927 1 Gas Valve
128933 1 (CE) Gas Valve
4 140868 1 #31 Burner Orifice (natural gas) 40K Btu Burner
140869 1 #49 Burner Orifice (liquid propane gas) 40K Btu Burner
883610 1 Liquid Propane Conversion Kit (includes orifice) 40K Burner
140870 1 #34 Burner Orifice (natural gas) 35K Btu Burner
140871 1 #51 Burner Orifice (liquid propane gas) 35K Btu Burner
883799 1 Liquid Propane Conversion Kit (includes orifice) 35K Burner
5 141129 1 Inshot Burner
6 882451 1 Ignitor Probe Assembly with High Voltage Wire
(includes illus. nos. 6 and 21)
7 142634 1 3/8” x 19” Pipe Nipple
8 130400 1 290° Thermostat
(for models mfd. as of August 5, 2003)
130403 1 330° Thermostat
(for models mfd. prior to August 5, 2003)
9 142953 1 3/8” x 1/2” Steel Bushing
10 318519 1 Gas Valve Support Bracket
318685 1 (CE) Gas Valve Support Bracket
11 318561 1 Oven Mounting Bracket
318686 1 (CE) Oven Mounting Bracket
12 318547 1 Burner Retainer Bracket
13 154356 1 U-Bolt 3/8” Pipe
14 143181 1 Tear Tab Pipe Cap
15 318625 1 Burner Box Cover
16 150300 17 #10-16 x 1/2” Hex Washer TEK Screw
17 318343 1 Burner Box Base
18 318421 1 Burner Tube Bracket
19 154217 2 1/8” Pop Rivet
20 318634 1 Gas Pipe Bracket
21 884147 1 High Voltage Ignition Cable Assembly for Fenwal
(for models mfd. as of February 2004)
128919 1 High Voltage Ignition Cable with Cap
(for models mfd. prior to February 2004)
22 152013 2 #6-32 Hex Nut
23 887133 1 Fenwal Direct Spark Ignition Module
(for models mfd. as of February 2004)
883849 1 Direct Spark Ignition Module with 3 Tries
(for models mfd. prior to February 2004)
887209 1 (CE) Direct Spark Ignition Module with 2 Tries
24 818534 1 Fenwal Direct Spark Ignition Mounting Bracket
(Fenwal module Only)