
Audio/video selector
High Definition Automatic
Specifications Product highlights
Packaging dimensions
Packaging dimensions (W x H x D):
x 15.5 x 5.6 inch
Gross weight: 2.51278 lb
Nett weight: 2.09818 lb
Tare weight: 0.41461 lb
Number of products included: 1
Packaging type: Blister
UPC: 0 26616 02626 5
Outer Carton
Gross weight: 8.45 lb
Outer carton (L x W x H): 13 x 8.3 x 15.7 inch
Nett weight: 8.39272 lb
Tare weight: 0.05728 lb
GTIN: 1 00 26616 02626 2
Number of consumer packagings: 4
Issue date 2008-11-15
Version: 1.3.7
12 NC: 8670 000 45618
UPC: 0 26616 02626 5
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Optimized for HDTV
High speed data transfer with minimal signal loss ensure
you'll get the most out of HDTV.
Color-coded inputs
Inputs are color coded to ensure correct connections.
Quality construction
Quality construction uses only top grade materials to
create products of extended durability.
S-Video compatible
Allows the use of S-Video connections for improved
picture performance.
Component cable compatible
Allows the use of component cable connections for high
definition picture performance.
True stereo sound
A solitary connection of audio out (left and right) which
goes directly to a stereo receiver for improved sound.