
Pacific Research Solutions RI-300e User Manual
Page 57
This feature is used to set up the tone remote frequencies that you want to decode. You can specify up to eight different tone
frequencies. Tone #1 is used as a PTT signal during tone remote operating mode. This tone is typically 2175Hz. This function
can also be used to set the decode tolerance for all tones. In most applications, the default ±2% will work just fine.
SYNTAX: 27 [Item] [Data]
READ BACK: 27 [Item]
PARAMETERS: Item 0 = (Decode tolerance) Defines the percent tolerance of the tone decoder. It should be noted that
the tone decoder has an initial accuracy of 0.2%. With this feature, you define a window in
which a tone will be accepted. This window is measured by the above tone frequency’s tone,
plus and minus the percent window as defined. For example, if you set the tone tolerance to 2
(±1%), a tone decoder set to 1000Hz will accept a tone in the range of 990Hz to 1010Hz.
= 1-20 (0.5-10%, 0.5% inc)
Item 1-8 = (Decode frequencies
Defines 8 frequencies to be decoded. The frequency is in the range of
650 to 3000 Hz. A zero value will disable a tone from being decoded. You can use the default
standard “tone remote” tones, or define 8 of your own tones. Each of these decoded tones will
activate a user programmable bit (Bits 17 to 24, see S-Command 45). As an example, when
tone #1 is decoded, bit 17 will go high and when tone #1 is no longer active, bit 17 will go low.
You can then use these bits to trigger macros. Tone #1 through #8 controls bits 17 through 24.
When using the tone remote feature (see S-Command 28) tone #1 also acts as a PTT tone and
tone #2 is the monitor. The following table shows default tones and their definition:
Tone Frequency User Bit Description
1 2175 Hz 17 Guard tone (PTT)
2 2050 Hz 18 Monitor tone
3 1950 Hz 19 F1
4 1850 Hz 20 F2
5 1750 Hz 21 F3, Used in Europe for repeater access tone
6 1650 Hz 22 F4
7 1550 Hz 23 F5
8 1450 Hz 24 F6
= 0 (Disable), 650 to 3000 (Hz)
DEFAULT: Item 0 = 4, (±2%)
Item 1 = 2175, (2175 Hz, PTT or Guard tone)
Item 2 = 2050, (2050 Hz Monitor tone)
Item 3 = 1950, (1950 Hz F1 tone)
Item 4 = 1850, (1850 Hz F2 tone)
Item 5 = 1750, (1750 Hz F3 tone, Used in Europe for repeater access tone)
Item 6 = 1650, (1650 Hz F4 tone)
Item 7 = 1550, (1550 Hz F5 tone)
Item 8 = 1450, (1450 Hz F6 tone)
EXAMPLE: 27 3 750 Define a tone at 750Hz for decode
27 0 10 Set the tone tolerance to ±5%