• Addressable conventional technology
• Maximum temperature 57°C
• Individual detector addressing by
means of optional address module
• Optional connection of remote
• Extremely fl at design
• Sealed electronics
The Thermal ROR Detector HT-11001 reacts to tempe-
rature changes within defi ned periods of time, up to a
maximum temperature of 57°C. The intelligent evaluati-
on of these data allows the early detection of spreading
fi res. The detector complies with Class A1R and can be
used up to a room height of 7.5m.
Addressable conventional technology is used for alarm
transmission to the fi re detection control panel. By
means of the optional Address Module NG60-1, each
detector can be addressed individually, thus allowing to
display the detector address, as well as an assigned
element text, on a suitable fi re detection control panel.
A detector fault is indicated by a yellow fl ashing of the
multicoloured status LED.
The detector can be attached to various bases and it
can be protected against theft.
Specifi cations
Operating voltage Supply through the detector line voltage
Current consumption typ. 65µA (quiescent)
Alarm temperature 57°C (maximum-heat component)
Operating temperature max. +50°C
Ambient temperature - 40°C to +70°C (no condensation or icing)
Relative humidity 0 – 98% (no condensation)
Dimensions ø × H 100 × 36 (mm)
Colour white
Weight 70g
Approval VdS G204033
Order number 242030
Order name Thermal ROR Detector/Conv./ORBIS/Apo HT-11001