
| ACIF does not support a parameter equivalent to the LINECT parameter on the
| /*JOBPARM, /*OUTPUT, and OUTPUT JCL statements. The maximum number
| of lines processed on a page is defined in the page definition. The page
| definition can be located:
| Inline in the file
| In a user library referenced in the USERLIB parameter (OS/390 and MVS
| only)
| In a library referenced in the PDEFLIB parameter
| In a library referenced in the // LIBDEF PHASE,SEARCH=(...) DLBL JCL
| statement (VSE)
Using Page Definitions from an OS/390 or MVS User Library:
You can
| instruct ACIF to select a page definition from your user library instead of from a
| library referenced in the PDEFLIB parameter. To use a page definition from a
| user library, you must:
| Reference the user library containing the page definition in the USERLIB
| parameter.
| Specify the name of the page definition in the PAGEDEF parameter.
Using Inline Page Definitions:
To use an inline page definition, ensure the
| following:
| Include an inline page definition in the input file.
| The name of the inline page definition must match the specified page
| definition name in the PAGEDEF parameter, or PAGEDEF=DUMMY must
| be specified.
| If a page definition resource is included inline with the data, the file must be
| identified as containing carriage control characters. If the length of the
| records in the page definition is less than or equal to the logical-record
| length defined for the file, you can specify fixed-length records for the
| record format. If the length of the records in the page definition is greater
| than the logical-record length defined for the file, you must specify:
| In OS/390 and MVS, variable length records for the record format
| (variable blocked with ANSI [VBA] carriage control characters or
| variable blocked with machine [VBM] carriage control characters)
| In VM, variable length records for the record format
| In VSE, variable length records for the record format (variable blocked
| with ANSI [VBA] carriage control characters or variable blocked with
| machine [VBM] carriage control characters)
| You can include more than one inline page definition in an input file, and you
| can change the page definition name in the PAGEDEF parameter on different
| ACIF jobs to test different page definitions. If the name of an inline page
| definition does not match the PAGEDEF name specified, ACIF uses the page
| definition from the resource library that matches the name specified in the
| PAGEDEF parameter.
Chapter 7. Using ACIF Parameters in OS/390, MVS, VM, and VSE 103