
6. Check the Environmental (yellow) LED for an ON or FLASHING condition.
7. Is the Environmental (yellow) LED ON or FLASHING?
v If the Environmental LED is on or flashing:
a. Put the SP Switch’s circuit breaker into the Off (‘0’) position.
b. Return to “Step 0600-011” on page 1-7 and continue service with the next highest priority.
v If the Environmental LED is not on or flashing:
a. You have resolved the problem.
b. Go to “Step 0600-017” on page 1-10 to verify fix.
Step 0600-013
Perspectives indicated a shutdown temperature condition and Table 1-2 on page 1-5 directed you to this
Temperature is out of specified range; however, no serious electrical current or fan speed problems have
been detected.
1. Check for airflow blockage at air intakes and exhaust of the SP Switch and system frame. Also, check
air temperatures around the frame, looking for sources of abnormally high temperatures (above 40C or
2. Is there an obvious airflow blockage or abnormally high temperature source near air intakes?
v If yes, go to “Step 0600-016”.
v If no, go to “Step 0600-014”.
Step 0600-014
You have an over temperature condition but you did not find an obvious airflow blockage or abnormally
high temperature source near air intakes. This indicates that there is a problem in the switch supervisor
1. Have the customer remove the switch from the active configuration and power off the SP Switch.
2. Set the circuit breaker to the Off position. Unplug cables connected to J1 and J2 at rear of the SP
3. Remove the front panel assembly from the inner chassis.
4. Replace the switch supervisor card.
5. Perform “Switch supervisor self-test” on page 3-4.
6. Does the card pass self-test?
v If yes, go to “Step 0600-015”.
v If the card does not pass self-test, check the cable connections to the switch supervisor card. If no
obvious problems are found, call next level of support.
Step 0600-015
The switch supervisor card passed the self-test.
1. Check Environmental (yellow) LED for ON or FLASHING condition.
2. Is the Environmental (yellow) LED ON or FLASHING?
v If the Environmental LED is on or flashing, check the cable connections to the switch supervisor
card. If no obvious problems are found, call next level of support.
v If the Environmental LED is not on or flashing:
a. You have resolved the problem.
b. Go to “Step 0600-017” on page 1-10 to verify fix.
Step 0600-016
You found an obvious airflow blockage or abnormally high temperature source near air intakes.
1. Have customer remove the switch from the active configuration and power off the SP Switch.
SP Switch environment (MAP 0600)
Chapter 1. Maintenance Analysis Procedures (MAPs) 1-9