
Hardware and Software Information 301
ftp> cd releases
ftp> cd A1_4_6
ftp> cd patches
ftp> cd A1_4_6_4
4. Set the file format and download the files:
ftp> bin
ftp> get grf_update
ftp> get RN1_4_6_4.pdf
ftp> get RN1_4_6_4.txt
ftp> quit
5. Change the script permissions:
# chmod 755 grf_update
6. Install the script:
# grsite --perm grf_update
7. Read the documentation with an appropriate reader command (acroread
for the pdf file,
more or vi for the txt file)!
8. Run the script:
# ./grf_update
For a sample execution of the grf_update script, refer to Appendix C.6.5,
“Sample Execution of grf_update Script” on page 301.
9. To verify the installation, use this command to check that the directed
broadcast setting is now one of the
sysctl executables:
# sysctl net.inet.ip.fwdirbcast
net.inet.ip.fwdirbcast = 1
Be prepared, that grf_update will reboot the SP Switch Router!
C.6.5 Sample Execution of grf_update Script
Here is a sample transcript of a session in which the
grf_update script first
upgrades a GRF 1600 system (testbox.site.com) that is currently running
A_1_4_6,boston to 1.4.6.ibm,default, and then installs the patch
release file on the system.
# grf_update
IBM GRF upgrade: testbox.site.com - Thu Apr 16 09:28:14 CDT 1998
This script will upgrade the router system software to
release 1.4.6.ibm and/or install the directed
partial release patch file on testbox.site.com.
This script REQUIRES: