
Chapter 1. What are the IBM Advanced Function Printing
Utilities for AS/400?
| The IBM Advanced Function Printing Utilities for AS/400 (AFP/U), Version 4
| Release 2, is a licensed program consisting three integrated utilities that provide
| support for Advanced Function Printing (AFP) applications on AS/400. These
| utilities enable you to create and manage electronic forms (overlays), to create and
| manage image resources, and to create AFP applications from AS/400 database
| files. The three AFP Utilities are:
| Overlay Utility: Enables you to create electronic forms directly on AS/400 for use
| in AS/400 AFP applications. The Overlay Utility works with any AS/400 terminal,
| providing an interactive design interface. Overlay Utility functions include:
| Create AFP electronic forms from any AS/400 terminal
| Place text, lines, boxes, shading, bar codes, graphics, and page segments at
| any location on the overlay page
| Present text in a wide variety of fonts using either downloadable fonts
| (AS/400-resident) or printer-resident fonts
| Present text in either single byte character sets (SBCS) or double byte
| character sets (DBCS)
| Present text in four orientations (across, down, back, and up) and three formats
| (horizontal, vertical, and vertical right to left)
| Define horizontal and vertical lines, with control of line type (solid, dashed, or
| dotted) and line thickness
| Define boxes, with control over box type (solid, dashed, or dotted) and shading
| Define any of 14 standard bar code symbologies with control over sizing,
| human-readable information, and orientation. Supported bar codes are:
| 3-of-9 code, MHI/AIM US-3
| Interleave 2-of-5
| MSI Plessey
| Industrial 2-of-5
| Codabar
| EAN-8
| EAN-13
| Matrix 2-of-5
| Code128
| Japan Postal
| Royal Mail
| Position overlay, page segment, and graphic elements by row/column or direct
| page offset in inches or centimeters.
| Resource Management Utility: Provides full management of overlay and page
| segment (image) resources. Images scanned on a client workstation can be
| processed, resized, rotated, created, and printed. Resource Management Utility
| functions include:
| Manage overlays and overlay source files, including print and view options
| Create page segments from scanned image files, with sizing and rotation
| options
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998 3