4.5.1 Managing 8260 with DMM
The following is the summary of the capabilities of DMM when managing an 8260
which is populated with both 8260 and 8250 modules:
1. DMM can be used to fully configure the 8260 modules as well as the 8250.
2. DMM in conjunction with E-MAC can be used to monitor the network, module
and port-level statistics for the Ethernet segments consisting of 8250 and
8260 modules. However, to be able to monitor the module and port-level
statistics for the 8250 modules assigned to Ethernet_1 thru Ethernet_3, the
E-MAC must be installed on an EC-DMM.
3. DMM in conjunction with T-MAC can be used to monitor and collect network,
module and port-level statistics about the 8260 modules assigned to the
token-ring segments on the ShuntBus.
4. DMM and T-MAC cannot be used to monitor token-ring segments on the
Enhanced TriChannel. To collect statistics about a token-ring segment on
the Enhanced TriChannel, you must use an 8250 TRMM assigned to that
segment. If multiple token-ring segments on the Enhanced TriChannel need
to be monitored simultaneously, you need one TRMM for each network.
5. DMM cannot be used to monitor FDDI segments on the Enhanced
TriChannel. To collect statistics for an FDDI segment on the Enhanced
TriChannel, you must use an 8250 FMM assigned to that segment. If multiple
FDDI segments on the Enhanced TriChannel need to be monitored
simultaneously, you need one FMM for each network.
4.5.2 Managing 8260 with 8250 xMM
The following is a summary of the capabilities of an 8250 xMM when acting as
the master management module in an 8260 which is populated with both 8260
and 8250 modules:
1. Each 8250 xMM requires its own payload slot.
2. The 8250 xMM can be used to configure and manage the 8250 media
modules installed in the 8260.
3. The 8250 xMM does not recognize and cannot configure the 8260 modules.
However, if you use the ″show concentrator″ command, it will report that the
slots occupied by the 8260 modules are populated by
4. The 8250 xMM assumes the active controller module occupies slot 17.
Because of this slot 17 cannot be used for a media module or a management
module and should be used for the right-hand boundary plate of the 8250
mounting kit.
5. Most of the functionality of the 8260 power and cooling subsystems is lost
when the 8260 is managed by an 8250 xMM. In this case, the controller
module is still able to manage the power and cooling subsystems but there
is no interface to enable you to set the parameters for it to perform these
functions as you desire. For example, it is not possible to set power classes
or set power fault tolerant mode.
6. The backup controller module (if installed) is not recognized and reported by
the xMM; however, if it becomes the active controller module, it will be
recognized and will be reported to be in slot 17.
7. Any segments on the Enhanced TriChannel (excluding Ethernet_4 thru
Ethernet_6) can be monitored using an appropriate xMM attached to that
70 8260 Multiprotocol Intelligent Switching Hub