
Chapter 5
The appearance of the text box changes to indicate the current mode of the comment (or annotation
shown as a comm
ent), as the following table shows.
Table 5-1
Comment and an
notation text box modes
Comment text box Annotation text
Indicates Obtained by...
Edit Comme nt is open for
Creating a new comment
or annotation, or
double-clicking an
existing one.
Comment can be moved,
resized or deleted.
Clicking the stream
background after editing,
or single-clicking an
existing comment or
annotation .
View Editing is complete. Clicking on another node,
comment or annotation
after editing.
When you create a new freestanding commen t, it is initially displayed in the top left corner
of the strea m canvas.
Figure 5-35
New freestanding comment
If you are attach ing a comment to a node or nugget, the comment is initially d isplayed above the
stream object to which it is attached.
Figure 5-36
New comment attached to node
The text box is colored white to show that text can be enter ed. When you have entered the text,
you click ou ts ide the text box. The comment background cha nges to yellow to show that text entry
is complete. The comment remains sele cted, allowing you to move, resize, or delete it.