
source nodes, 57
refreshing models, 190
regression, 245
rem function, 1
nodes, 86
streams, 74
replace function, 141
replacing models, 219
replacing text, 123
replicate function, 141
adding to projects, 202
generating, 209
saving output, 89
setting propert
ies, 209
resizing, 23
retrieving objects from the IBM SPSS Collaboration and
Deploymen t Services Repository, 17 2
rollover days, 58
round function, 138
rule sets
evaluating, 56
running streams, 77
SAS les
encoding, 248
multiple objects, 89
nodes, 88
output objects, 89
states, 88
streams, 88
scaling streams to view, 24
scenarios, 184
dened, 160
deployment options, 185
scientic notation
display format, 59
branch, 78, 188–189, 194
screen readers, 238, 240, 245–246
example, 243–244
scripting, 27, 105
nding an d replacing text, 123
setting options, 64
SDEV function, 152
@SDEV function, 150, 152
sdev_n function, 115, 138
for nodes in a stream, 73
searching COP for connections, 16
searching for objects in the IBM SPSS Collaboration and
Deploymen t Services Repository, 17 5
sequence functions, 150, 152
adding connections, 14
default directory, 216
logging in, 13
searching COP f
or servers, 16
session parameters, 68, 70, 112
set command, 68, 112
sets, 57
general usage, 96
keyboard, 26, 238, 240, 242
sign function, 138
sin function, 139
SINCE function, 15 2
@SINCE function, 150, 152
single sign-on, 14, 16 1
single sign-on,
IBM SPSS Collaboration a nd Deployment
Services Repository, 158, 161
sinh function, 139
skipchar function, 141
skipchar_back function, 141
Sort node
performance, 233
soundex function, 14 6
soundex_difference function, 146
source nodes, 42
data mapping, 92
refreshing, 57
removing from strings, 112, 141
special characters
removing from strings, 112
special functions, 157
SPSS Modeler Server, 2
SQL generation , 60
logging, 63
previewi ng, 63
sqrt function, 138
startstring function, 141
startup dialog box, 220
loading, 90
saving, 88
Statistics les
encoding, 248
Statistics models, 39
stop execution, 21
storing objects in the IBM SPSS Collaboration and
Deployment Services Repository, 164
stream, 18
stream canvas
settings, 64
stream default enc
oding, 56
stream descriptions, 74, 77
stream names, 86
stream parameters, 68, 70, 112